


A set of practices that automate the process of building, testing, deploying, and managing your application code. It streamlines the software development lifecycle by integrating development, operations, and security.


Create, Read, Update, and Delete
The four fundamental operations used for managing data in programming.



Jira Query Language


Phase 1

When a PRD is generated, the first Phase is titled Phase 1; however, you can rename any phase.  If you have renamed your phases, Phase 1 is the initial phase.


(Product Requirements Document)

A document that outlines the detailed specifications and functionalities for a software application built using the Crowdbotics platform. It serves as a single source of truth for all stakeholders involved in the development process, including product owners, developers, designers, and other team members.

Sometimes referred to as a build plan.



A pre-built project template that provides a starting point for developing your application. It essentially acts as a foundation, containing the essential structure and functionalities common to various app types.


User Type

User Types help you specify which users are likely to use a specific feature within your application. User Types function as a type of label to categorize features based on the relevant user group.  For example, an "Admin Panel" feature would have an "Administrator" user type.  

user types

User Types help you specify which users are likely to use a specific feature within your application. User Types function as a type of label to categorize features based on the relevant user group.  For example, an "Admin Panel" feature would have an "Administrator" user type.