Introduction to packages
  • 28 Aug 2024
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Introduction to packages

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Article summary

Packages are a system that integrates with the native package manager for each programming language and provides proxies for each language’s default package registry server.

For each package format there is an index server that serves packages requests, caches responses, and fetches the artifacts from upstream or from storage.

Some of the most notable features:

  1. Seamless interoperation between public, private, and open-source packages.

  2. Works with native package managers.

  3. Extendable to other languages ecosystems (rubygems, nuget, maven, terraform, docker, etc.).

  4. Easiest path. you don’t have to learn and adopt proprietary solutions.

  5. Everything is a package. You can depend on anything in:

    • your enterprise private collection

    • Crowdbotics public collection

    • the community public collection

    • from upstream open-source packages

  6. Simple versioning. Publish and install specific versions or version ranges.

  7. No build restrictions. Build in a mono-repo, or in one repository per package in any file structure or size.

All of this under a single Crowdbotics login and as a first-class citizen in product.

Current language support

Currently, the following programming languages are supported:  


Package format




Refer to npm Packages.



Refer to pypi Packages.

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