Refining Phases & Categories
  • 22 Aug 2024
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Refining Phases & Categories

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Article summary

Use the information on this page in conjunction with the Planning page overview, which provides details about the various Planning page elements and functionality.

The Phases & Features tab in the Planning page provides PRD details in two areas:

  • PRD Content explorer (left side) — Where you browse and work with phases and categories.  It’s also where you can select and reorganize features.

  • Feature Details panel (right side) — Where you work with individual features.

This article explains how to work with phases and categories in the PRD Content explorer.
For details on using features with phases and categories, refer to Refining your Features.

PRD Content explorer

While working with phases and categories, you can adjust your view as follows:

  • Collapse/Expand phases individually. Click the (collapse) or (expand) icon next to the phase name.

  • Collapse/Expand categories individually. Click the (collapse) or (expand) icon next to the category name.

  • Collapse/Expand all phases and categories. Click View and select Expand all or Collapse all.


Initially, all categories and features are included in a single phase with the title ”Phase 1.

  • Rename any phase. Click the phase name and type the new name.

  • Create additional phases. Click Add and select Add Phase.

  • Delete any phase. Be sure the phase is empty (no categories or features). Click Delete Phase below the empty phase.


  • Rename any category. Click the category name and type a new one.

  • Create a new category.  Click + Add and select + Add Category.

  • Delete any category. Be sure the category is empty. Click Delete Category below the empty category.

  • Non-Functional Requirements.

    As part of the PRD creation, PRD-AI generates Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs) to identify and capture areas (such as scalability, compatibility, and maintainability) that need to be considered during app development.

    NFRs are provided in their own category called Non-Functional Requirements at the bottom of Phase 1 on the Phases & Features tab. Each NFR area (or type) looks and functions just as any other feature. 

Moving phases, categories, and features

Moving features, categories, and phases. In the Phases & Features tab, you have the following options.  Note: The Change Phase and Move to Phase options are only available if there is more than one phase.

  • To move a feature between categories, select the feature and drag it into the target category.
  • To move a single feature between phases, select the feature and click Move to Phase, and select the target phase. The selected feature is moved to the new phase within its corresponding category. (The category is copied to the target phase if it does not already exist there.)
  • To move multiple features between phases, select the features, click Change Phase, and select the target phase. The selected features are moved to the new phase within their corresponding categories. (The categories are copied to the target phase if they do not already exist there.)
  • To move a category between phases, select the features in the category, click Change Phase, and select the target phase. The category is created in the target phase and the selected features are moved into it. If the category is empty in the original phase, you can delete it.

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