CLI commands
  • 16 Aug 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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CLI commands

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Article summary


Before you begin this, ensure that you have set up your environment and installed the CLI.

You must be logged in to use the CLI.  If you are not logged in, the system will prompt you to log in using the cb login command.

The following are the CLI commands you can use during your module workflow. If you get error messages, refer to CLI error messages.

cb add

Installs one or more modules into your app.

The command assumes you are working with your demo app in its current directory. If you want to specify values other than those used for the demo app, use the optional --project and --source arguments.


<module-name> — Required — Specifies the module or modules to be added. Multiple modules are allowed.  


--project — Optional — Use this to specify a project folder other than the demo app.

Required value: <path> — The relative path to the directory for a different app/project.

--source — Optional — Use this to specify a directory in which the modules are located for anything other than the demo app.

Required value: <path> — The relative path a different directory.

--verbose — Optional — Provides additional information to help you understand the command's execution and troubleshoot any issues. 

cb commit

Update a module definition.

The command assumes you are working with your demo app in its current directory. If you want to specify values other than those used for the demo app, use the optional --project and --source arguments.


<module-name> — Required — The module or modules to be added. Multiple modules are allowed.  


--project — Optional — Use this to specify a project folder other than the demo app.

Required value: <path> — The relative path to the directory for a different app/project.

--source — Optional — Use this to specify a directory in which the modules are located for anything other than the demo app.

Required value: <path> — The relative path a different directory.

--verbose — Optional — Provides additional information to help you understand the command's execution and troubleshoot any issues. 

cb create

Creates a new module of the specified type and automatically creates the directory structure required for Crowdbotics modules.

The command assumes you are working with your demo app in its current directory. If you want to specify a different folder, use the optional --target argument.


--name — Required — The name of the new module.

Required value: <module-name>

--type — Required — The type of module.

Required value: <custom/react-native/django>
If you set this to custom,  the system generates a meta.json file with the following contents:

     title: "my-module",
     description: "",
     search_description: "",
     root: "/",
     schema: {}   

--target — Optional — Specifies the modules folder in which the new module will be created.

Required value: <path> — The relative path to the folder if you are not using the demo app.

--verbose — Optional — Provides additional information to help you understand the command's execution and troubleshoot any issues. 

cb demo

Creates a demo app where you can test your module. Refer to The Demo app.


--verbose — Optional — Provides additional information to help you understand the command's execution and troubleshoot any issues. 

cb help

Provides a brief list of commands.

cb init

Initialize a blank modules repository.


--name — Specifies the name of the repository for the new app.

Required value: <repository-name> — The name of the new modules repository.

--type — Required — The type of module.

Required value: <custom/react-native/django>

--verbose — Optional — Provides additional information to help you understand the command's execution and troubleshoot any issues. 

cb login and cb logout

Log in to or out of your Crowdbotics account.

You must log in before you can run any other CLI commands. Login may require two-factor authentication (2FA).

Note:  If you do not log out, your session will time out and you may be logged out automatically.

cb modules (archive, get, list, and set)

Manage modules for your organization.

cb modules archive

Archive the specified private catalog module so that it cannot be installed in future apps. Archived modules will also not be recommended in PRD results.


  • You can only run cb modules set on published modules.

  • This replaces the Crowdbotics stored values and does not update the meta.json file.


<module-id> — Required — Specifies the module you want to archive. The <module-id> is not the module name.


--unarchive — Optional — Unarchive a module that was previously archived.

--verbose — Optional — Provides additional information to help you understand the command's execution and troubleshoot any issues. 

cb modules get

Provides the details of the specified module.


<module-id> — Required — Specifies the module you want to archive. The <module-id> is not the module name.


--verbose — Optional — Provides additional information to help you understand the command's execution and troubleshoot any issues. 

cb modules list

Provides a list of all the current modules that are available to install.




Each of the following is optional.

--search — Search for a module using the provided text string.

Required value: "search text"

--status — Search for a module with a specific status. Typically used to search archived modules.

Required value: <published/archived>

--visibility — Search for a module in either a public or private catalog.

Required value: <public/private>

--page — When fetching a long list of modules, use this parameter to get a specific page of details.

Required value: <page-number>

--verbose — Optional — Provides additional information to help you understand the command's execution and troubleshoot any issues. 

cb modules set

Allows you to set information to your published module.


  • You can only run cb modules set on published modules.

  • This replaces the Crowdbotics stored values and does not update the meta.json file.


<module-id> — Required — Specifies the module to which you want add information. The <module-id> is not the module name.


Each of the following is optional, but you must have at least one.

--name — The name of the module.

Required value: "name"

--description — General description of the module.

Required value: "description"

--search_description — Specifies that the information to be added is the search description value.

Required value: "search description" — The entire search description text must be contained within parenthesis.

--acceptance_criteria — Specifies that the information to be added is the acceptance criteria value.

Required value: "acceptance criteria" — The acceptance criteria text must be contained within parenthesis.

--verbose — Optional — Provides additional information to help you understand the command's execution and troubleshoot any issues. 

cb optin and cb optout

Opt-in or Opt-out for Crowdbotics Analytics.

Crowdbotics Analytics helps us collect non-sensitive information about how our CLI is used, helping us improve user experience and functionality.

Opting in means you allow us to collect this information.
Opting out means you do not allow us to collect this information.

We recommend opting in so we can provide better support if you have an issue.

cb parse

Refer to Parse and validate your modules.

The command assumes you are working with your demo app in its current directory. If you want to specify values other than those used for the demo app, use the optional --project and --source arguments.


--source — Optional — Use this to specify a directory in which the modules are located for anything other than the demo app.

Required value: <path> — The relative path a different directory.

--verbose — Optional — Provides additional information to help you understand the command's execution and troubleshoot any issues. 

cb publish

Publish your module catalog under your organization. Refer to Publish your modules.


--verbose — Optional — Provides additional information to help you understand the command's execution and troubleshoot any issues. 

cb remove

Removes one or more modules from your app.

The command assumes you are working with your demo app in its current directory. If you want to specify values other than those used for the demo app, use the optional --project and --source arguments.


<module-name> — Required — Specifies the module or modules to be removed. Multiple modules are allowed.  


--project — Optional — Use this to specify a project folder other than the demo app.

Required value: <path> — The relative path to the directory for a different app/project.

--source — Optional — Use this to specify a directory in which the modules are located for anything other than the demo app.

Required value: <path> — The relative path a different directory.

--verbose — Optional — Provides additional information to help you understand the command's execution and troubleshoot any issues. 

cb upgrade

Upgrade the scaffold of your app to the latest version. For more information, refer to Upgrade scaffold.

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