Data Models
  • 27 Jun 2024
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Data Models

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Article summary

Data Models

Data models are a critical artifact in the application development cycle because they provide a structured framework that outlines how data is organized, stored, and accessed within your application. They represent the backend for your app, including internal APIs, admin panel, and database. 

As part of the Crowdbotics end-to-end architecture, you can automatically generate data models using AI, directly from your PRD.

These generated visual representations of data models can be live-edited and converted into code.

How it works

You can generate data models in two ways:

  • Within a PRD, in the Phases & Features tab — Select Next Steps > Generate Data Models.  

  • From the Studio Screen — Click Data Models.  On the Data Models screen, click Create Data Models to use our AI.  (You can also add a data model manually.)

On the data models page, you can add and edit the data models, save, and sync with GitHub.

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