Export your components
  • 05 Mar 2024
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Export your components

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Article summary

Exporting your React Native components

Your main component in a module must be exported from the index.js file with a default export.

Plain export

It can be a plain export such as: export default YourModuleMainComponentHere;

A plain export gets converted to the following object:

  title: "YourModuleMainComponentHere",
  navigator: YourModuleMainComponentHere

Explicit export

You can also export an explicit object that gives you control over the title, the entry point, the redux slice, and hook:

export default {
  title: "Your module title here",
  navigator: YourModuleMainComponentHereOrYourMainStackNavigator,
  slice: YourModuleReduxSliceHere,
  hook: YourAppInitCodeHere

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