Publish your modules
  • 17 May 2024
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Publish your modules

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Article summary

Using the CLI Commands, complete the following steps:

  1. Parse and validate your modules.

  2. Connect your modules directory to remote GitHub repository. (For specific details, refer to GitHub Integration.)

    1. Create a blank GitHub repo and add the remote origin to your local modules repository.

    2. Generate a personal access token.

    3. Commit your local module repository to the remote repository on GitHub.

  3. Publish your module: cb publish


    All values currently included in the module’s meta.json file are published as well.

  4. When prompted, provide the following:

    1. Verify the org for which you are publishing the module.

    2. The GitHub URL (from the personal access token) using the following structure:
      https://[github username]:[github_access_token][github username]/[repo name]
      For example:
      https://cb-kozel:[email protected]/cb-kozel/bearShark-modules
      https://cb-kozel:[email protected]/cb-kozel/bearShark-modules.git

      The .git extension is not required.  Both options will work.

    3. The Branch name.

  5. Verify that your module was published.
    Go to your Crowdbotics dashboard and navigate to Studio > Modules > [Your Org Name].
    If published, the module should be listed.

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