Technical Recommendations
  • 19 Jun 2024
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Technical Recommendations

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Article summary

What are Technical Recommendations?

While you are Fine-tuning your PRD, you can have PRD-AI provide relevant technologies and step-by-step implementation guidance based on a selected Feature and your Context Settings. These suggested technologies are known as Technical Recommendations (TRs).

How do Technical Recommendations work?

TRs are available in the Phases & Features tab of the PRD Planning page. When you have a feature selected, the Technical Recommendations section is available on the right, just below the Modules section.

There are two types of TRs:  

  • AI-Generated TRs

    Simply click Recommend Technologies. Our AI reviews the selected feature and your Context Settings and provides a list of existing technologies that fulfill the requirements of the feature.

  • User-Added TRs
    If you already have a technology you want to include, simply click Add and provide a Title, Description, and Website for the technology.

Once you have a list of TRs, you can do any of the following:

  • View the Details of each TR, where you can:

    • Review the Title, Description, and Website.  

    • Edit the details for user-added TRs. AI-Generated TRs cannot be edited.

    • Remove the TR. Caution: This cannot be undone; be sure you want to remove it.

  • Remove a Technical Recommendation. Click the  ✕  next to any TR.
    Caution: This cannot be undone; be sure you want to remove it.

  • Refresh the recommendations. This regenerates the full list of TRs.
    Caution: This removes all existing TRs, including ones you manually added. Be sure you want to refresh the list.

  • View Starter Code

What is Starter Code?

Starter Code is AI-generated step-by-step instructions on how to install, configure, and use a recommended technology. You can get starter code for AI-generated and for user-generated TRs. After the starter code is generated, it is available at any time when you click View Starter Code.


The following is an example of Starter Code for a resumé management app called ResuME.  The code is for a feature that lets the user output their resume in multiple formats.

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