- 12 Feb 2025
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Start Here
- Updated on 12 Feb 2025
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Your Crowdbotics Account
To get an account set up, Contact Us.
Once you have an account, go to the Log in page and use one of the following methods to log in:
Use Magic Link — Select Use magic link. Type your email address and then click Send Magic Link. You’ll receive an email with an authenticated link. Click the link in the email and you’re automatically signed in.
Use Password — Select Use Password. Type your email address and then click Login.
Login with Google — If the email you use for Crowdbotics is connected to your Google account, type your email and then click Login with Google.
Login with GitHub — If the email you use for Crowdbotics is connected to your GitHub account, type your email and then click Login with GitHub.
Getting Started
Once you’re logged in, follow these steps to get started and choose your workflow. (For details, see the Workflows section below.)
Enter a name.
(Optional) Select Advanced Settings if you want to use the Code-to-Spec (C2S) workflow.
Click Next:
If you selected Advanced Settings, you enter the C2S workflow.
If you did not select Advanced Settings, you continue with the Idea-to-Code (I2C) workflow.
Crowdbotics offers multiple workflows, depending on your intent:
Code-to-Spec (C2S) — Designed for working with your existing codebase. This workflow lets you import a GitHub repository, and Crowdbotics analyzes the code to generate a structured PRD and other insights. This option is ideal for teams looking to modernize, document, or extend an existing application.
Idea-to-Code (I2C) — (Also known as PRD-AI) Designed to help you start with ideas or an existing PRD or document. Crowdbotics analyzes your input to create a PRD with suggested features, specifications, other insights, and even starter code.
CodeOps — A legacy workflow.
Platform Overview
After your initial PRD is generated, the Crowdbotics platform provides an interface where you review, edit, and fine-tune your PRD. While all users share the same dashboard, some sections and tools are specific to a workflow, and some are accessible regardless of the chosen workflow.
Check out the UI Overview for details on the UI, key features, and the fine-tuning processes.